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Study Material NCERT Class – 6 : Chapter 9 Livelihood in Urban Area

  livelihood in urban area   Livelihood in an urban area refers to the means by which individuals or households sustain themselves economically and socially in a city or town. It encompasses the various activities, opportunities, and resources that people rely on to earn a living and meet their basic needs.   In an urban context, livelihoods often involve diverse occupations and employment sectors, including formal jobs, informal work, self-employment, entrepreneurship, and participation in the urban economy. Common urban livelihood activities can include working in industries, services, trade, construction, transportation, education, healthcare, hospitality, and various other urban-centric sectors.   Urban livelihoods are typically characterized by greater specialization, a higher degree of formalization, access to infrastructure and services, and proximity to markets compared to rural areas. People living in urban areas may have a wider range of employment op...
हाल की पोस्ट

Study Material NCERT Class – 6 : Chapter 8 Livelihood in Rural Areas

  What is How does livelihood work in rural areas?   Livelihood in rural areas refers to the means by which people earn a living and support themselves in rural or agricultural settings. In rural areas, livelihoods are often closely tied to natural resources, agriculture, and traditional occupations. which are like - Agriculture and farming - Agriculture is a significant livelihood activity in rural areas. Farmers cultivate crops, raise livestock, and engage in fishing and forestry. They rely on their agricultural produce for subsistence and income generation through sales in local markets. Natural resource based livelihoods - Rural areas often have abundant natural resources such as forests, minerals, and water bodies. People may engage in activities like logging, hunting, gathering forest products, mining, or fishing to earn a livelihood.  Livestock rearing - Livestock farming, including dairy, poultry, and animal husbandry, is another common livelihood option i...

Study Material NCERT Class – 6 : Chapter 7 City Administration

  What is City Administration   City administration refers to the system and processes through which a city or municipality is governed and managed. It encompasses various governmental functions and responsibilities carried out by the local authorities to ensure the smooth functioning and development of the city.  City administration typically includes the following elements-  Executive Branch - The executive branch consists of the mayor or city manager and their administrative staff. They are responsible for implementing and enforcing policies, managing city departments, and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the city.  Legislative Branch -   The legislative branch comprises the city council or city commission. They are responsible for making and passing local laws, ordinances, and regulations that govern the city. The council members or commissioners are elected by the citizens to represent their interests.  Administrative Departm...

Study Material NCERT Class – 6 : Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj

 What is Panchayati Raj? Panchayati Raj is a system of local self-government in rural areas of India. The term "Panchayati Raj" translates to "rule by panchayats," where panchayat refers to a village-level elected body. It aims to decentralize power and decision-making, bringing governance closer to the grassroots level. The Panchayati Raj system was introduced in India through the 73rd Amendment to the Constitution in 1992. It provides a constitutional framework for the establishment and functioning of Panchayats at the village, intermediate (block), and district levels. The main objectives of Panchayati Raj are to empower local communities, promote participatory democracy, and ensure local development and welfare. Under the Panchayati Raj system, villagers elect their representatives to serve in Panchayats. The elected representatives, known as Panchayat members, form the basic unit of local governance. They make decisions on various local issues such as infrastru...

Study Material NCERT Class – 6 Main Elements of a Democratic Government

  Main elements of a democratic government The main elements of a democratic government typically include- Rule of Law- A democratic government is based on the principle of the rule of law, which means that everyone, including government officials, is subject to and must abide by the law. It ensures equality before the law and protects individual rights and liberties.  Popular Sovereignty - In a democracy, the ultimate political power rests with the people. The government is elected by the people and derives its authority from them. The people have the right to participate in decision-making through voting and other democratic processes. Free and Fair Elections - Democratic governments hold regular elections where citizens can freely and fairly choose their representatives. Elections provide an opportunity for citizens to express their preferences and hold their leaders accountable.  Political Pluralism - Democracy encourages the existence of multiple political ...

Study Material NCERT Social and Political Life : Political Science Class - 6 What is Government? | सरकार क्या है?

  What is Government?   Understanding Government: A Comprehensive Overview Government plays a pivotal role in shaping societies and ensuring the well-being of its citizens. Definition and Purpose of Government   Government, in its broadest sense, refers to the system or group of individuals responsible for governing a particular region or nation. It encompasses the institutions, policies, and practices through which a society is administered. The primary purpose of government is to establish order, maintain stability, and safeguard the rights and interests of its citizens. Through its various branches and agencies, government exercises authority, enforces laws, and provides essential services to the populace. Functions of Government   Legislative Function - The legislative branch of government formulates and enacts laws that govern society. These laws reflect the values, aspirations, and needs of the people. The legislative process involves the proposal, deb...

पूंजीवाद और साम्यवाद व सोवियत संघ के विघटन का कारण | Reasons for the disintegration of capitalism and communism and the Soviet Union

    पूंजीवाद और साम्यवाद विचारधारा ( Capitalism and Communism Ideology) पूंजीवाद और साम्यवाद दो अलग-अलग विचारधाराएं हैं जो समाजवादी सिद्धांतों पर आधारित हैं। इन दो दर्शनों में अंतर इस प्रकार है-   पूंजीवादी विचारधारा  (Capitalist Ideology) पूंजीवाद - पूंजीवाद में पूंजी , अर्थव्यवस्था और व्यापार को महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। पूंजीवादी दर्शन का मुख्य उद्देश्य लाभ कमाना , मालिकाना अधिकार और धन के नियंत्रण का अधिकार होता है। पूंजीवाद में मालिकाना अधिकार एक महत्वपूर्ण मान्यता है। यह अधिकार धन , संपत्ति और संसाधनों के नियंत्रण को संदर्भित करता है। मालिकाना अधिकार के आधार पर संपत्ति के वितरण में असमानता देखी जा सकती है।   पूंजीवाद और साम्यवाद साम्यवादी विचारधारा  (Communist Ideology) साम्यवाद - साम्यवाद में सामाजिक न्याय , समानता और सामुदायिक सुख को प्राथमिकता मिलती है। साम्यवादी दर्शन का मुख्य उद्देश्य समाज में विचारशीलता , समानता , अधिकारों की सुरक्षा , गरीबी और असामान्यता के खिलाफ लड़ाई होता है।   साम्यवाद एक सामाजिक और आर्थिक सिद्धांत है जिसका म...